
We are proud to offer the following curriculum programs that focus on the whole child. By integrating all the different things that these programs bring to our instruction we are able to deliver a beautiful opportunity for your child to experience optimal growth in all areas of their development.

The Creative Curriculum

Alphabets Preschool Center utilizes the Creative Curriculum for Preschool as the anchor curriculum in all of our three- and four-year-old classrooms. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is an award-winning curriculum for preschool success that is fully aligned with the state early learning standards. Creative Curriculum uses exploration and discovery as a way of learning.

The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is fully aligned with the Early Learning Framework and NJ State Early Learning Standards. Using exploration and discovery as a way of learning, The Creative Curriculum for Preschool enables children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. In addition, Creative Curriculum offers daily opportunities to individualize instruction, helping teachers meet the needs of every type of learner while at the same time address all the important areas of learning, from social-emotional and math to technology and the arts by incorporating them throughout every part of every day. Additionally, it offers daily, built-in opportunities for observation, helping teachers and administrators clearly see the strong relationship between curriculum and assessment. Throughout the school year, we will be providing our families with ongoing opportunities to learn more about this program and to be involved with it.

Big Day for Pre-K

The Asbury Park School District Early Childhood Department has added a supplemental foundational skill program through the daily infusion of Big Day for Pre-K. This initiative aims to offer students a comprehensive instructional program that is seamlessly embedded into the regular school day. Through inclusion of Big Day for Pre-K, children will be provided with countless opportunities to build foundational skills in all content ares, with a specific focus on literacy skills, such as letter identification, letter-sound recognition and letter formation.

These core foundational skills are explicitly taught in a developmentally appropriate manner through scaffolded extended play. Children are given several chances to practice these skills through play in their natural environment. This Big Day for Pre-K program consistently uses research-based practices that are direct and intentional so children master core academic skills. The mastery of these skills will ensure kindergarten readiness, as lessons are individualized – based on data and children’s learning needs.

Second Step

The Second Step Early Learning Curriculum is a social-emotional curriculum that promotes success in the early learning classroom, school readiness, and social and life success. It does this by directly teaching children the skills that strengthen their ability to: learn, have empathy, manage emotions, make friends, and solve problems.